Our friends at Sustainabilist hosted two interns from Epicodus:

Russell Hofvendahl and David Lewis met as Epicodus students and bonded over their love of data and interest in using technology to help solve society's great environmental challenges. As if by fate, the two met Jason Trager, the Managing Partner of Sustainabilist, at a meet up in Portland. They were drawn to Jason's work applying data science to improve efficiency and reduce carbon impacts for businesses across the U.S. When Jason offered the opportunity for David and Russell to explore the Chicago Food Inspection dataset using Python, the two jumped at the idea and their Epicodus internship was born. Applying their strong coding foundations from Epicodus, Russell and David took on learning a brand new language and framework to complete this tutorial on data cleaning and preliminary analysis. Their resulting publication allows users to make significant new insights into food safety processes and improve and standardize processes for cleaning and processing large datasets.

Read Russell and David’s publication on the Sustainabilist blog.